April 14, 2018
Jetties is a lesser known spot that is a great place to take your first ocean side session. Just down the beach from the Brant Point Lighthouse, Jetties Beach has a public parking space right in front of the beach. While all you can see are dunes and houses surrounding you from the parking lot, if you walk down the path towards the ocean you will find the beautiful riding spot we call Jetties Beach.
On the north facing shore of Nantucket, Jetties will work in pretty much any north facing wind. Name Jetties for the large seawall that protrudes north and forms the entrance to Nantucket Harbor, there is a large sand bar that sticks out with the Jetty and softens the impact of approaching waves. The result is milder to more mellow waves that are perfect to jump off of and try your first really hard turns on waves on the ocean side.
Jetties is a public access beach that gets a lot of beachgoers during the summer time. Be extremely cautious and aware of other people using the beach and ask permission/rules of the road from any lifeguards or locals before doing anything. Be sure to stay away from the Jetty itself as it can be covered with barnacles and is unforgiving if you get caught in it.
Best Months: May, June, July, August, September, October
Best Direction: N, NE
Main Direction: NE
Other Rideable Directions: NW
Type of riding: Twintip, Surfboard, Hydrofoil
Type of Launch: The size of the launch depends on the tide. At low tide there is a large beach to rig on. At high tide there is less space.
Hazards: Shells, boats, bystanders
Type of water: Flat water slick, Chop
Follor Bathing Beach Rd all the way to the end. Park in the large lot at the end and walk to the beach.
April 28, 2018
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018